You don’t want to waste money when traveling. Actually, you want to work hard to ensure that you spend it wisely. That’s because you probably worked hard and sacrificed to save money for travel. Therefore, you want to spend every cent on life-changing experiences. But, you might be throwing your money away when traveling without knowing it. According a gentlemen named Mr. Sims I met on a retreat, and gives his gratefulness for owning his appliance repair business which allows him the travel freedom he enjoys so much, that he always pre-plans his expenses and tries to stay at bed and breakfast spots vs a fancy high luxury hotel. He went on to explain even more tips which i share below.

Here are some of the ways you can waste money when traveling:

Incurring Unnecessary Bank Fees

You will waste a lot of money on foreign transactions and ATM fees if you are not careful. To avoid this, find out if your travel destination has banks that do not charge overseas withdrawal fees. Open an account with a bank that won’t charge you fees on foreign transactions. This will enable you to save money and spend it on enhancing your travel experience.


Many travelers waste money when traveling because they are simple victims of scams. Therefore, take time to learn and prepare yourself properly. You will lower the risk of being scammed when you know how scammers approach travelers. What’s more, be cautious with locals that approach you without a reason. Additionally, trust your intuition. If you suspect that something is not right, be attentive about it or even walk away.

Fake Souvenirs

Many travelers discover that they spent money on fake souvenirs on arriving at their homes. To avoid this, take time to conduct some research before you travel. Get recommendations from retailers and don’t trust random recommendations. Be careful and buy something as souvenir when you have researched about it.

To avoid wasting money when you travel, you need to conduct some research. Have a guidebook and follow it. Also read online resources like reliable travel blogs. If in doubt about something, ask people that have traveled to your destination before you make a decision.