Effects of technological advancements are felt in many aspects of the human life. Today, many activities require technology to complete effectively and efficiently. The information technology plays a crucial role in the travel and tourism industry. Perhaps, the most visible effect of information technology on this industry is the replacement of the human labor. This has saved service providers money while making completion of most activities easier and faster. Here are the major effects of the information technology on the travel industry.


Today, providers of marketing services depend heavily on the internet. Travel service providers are using the information technology to advertise their services. For instance, they are using blogs, social media, and their websites to enable clients to find them with ease.

Computerized Systems

Computerized systems are enabling large chain hotels with operations at different places to connect with ease. These systems also enable staffs to read the same script and access information with ease. Guests are also enjoying better experiences. Using these systems, travel service providers can avail housekeeping information, guest requests, and reservations with ease.

Mobile Communication

Desktop computers have been replaced by Smartphones and mobile tablets. In fact, large computers are almost extinct in the travel industry. This is very helpful since travelers carry mobile devices while going on trips. With these devices, travelers are always updated and advised on possible delays and changes in their reservations. They also get useful information on deals and find their directions with ease.

Communication technology has improved operations in the travel industry. Most operations are now completed faster and traveling processes are more efficient and enjoyable. In addition to helping hotels with large chain operations, this technology is useful to B and B’s as well as smaller companies in the travel industry. To enjoy your travels better, embrace the modern communication technology.